A barrel of 7 barrels of brandy, a basin, over 200 sheep and two horses: the reasons why ex-husbands end up in court

More and more couples end up getting divorced. Some even go to court because they cannot reach a mutual agreement on the division of assets.

A Bucharest man brought his ex-wife to court for the engagement ring. Photo: Archive

In the last half year, more than 10,000 couples in our country decided to end their marriage. The reasons for separation are various, but the most frequently invoked are infidelity, jealousy and violence.

Although, in the first phase, life partners reach a consensus regarding the division of goods, they end up fighting over various objects, such as a basin or even dishes.

“The apple of discord” in the case of a couple from Botoșani

A basin, plates, tablecloths, forks, knives, over 200 sheep and two horses – two ex-husbands from Botoşani fought over these. Although they ended up in court, the two ex-spouses managed to divide their assets. The woman was left with the dishes and household items, while the man got his two horses and 250 sheep, according to Antena 3 CNN.

The case of some ex-husbands from Argeș

Although the custom of giving a dowry to a woman to be married is no longer observed today, it has become a cause of dispute in court. A woman from Curtea de Argeș is trying to obtain, through a court decision, from her ex-husband the dowry that was offered to her when they got married. In the middle would be: a seven-barrel cask of brandy, a duvet, a blanket, two pillows, a frying pan, a saucepan, a coffee pot, a vacuum cleaner and a cylinder stove.

Engagement ring, a cat, a watch and luxury clothing items

A Bucharest man brought his ex-wife to court for the engagement ring, a British Shorthair cat, a watch and luxury jackets.

According to the man, his ex-partner had little income. Since he had more money, he bought her clothes, jewelry and various gifts.

In addition, the ex-wife did not miss vacations and visits to the restaurant, according to the man. In the end, the two managed to reach a mutual agreement, and the woman was left with the engagement ring, the cat and the luxury jackets.