A Social Education textbook for the 5th grade, approved by the Ministry of Education, is causing controversy. In the examples given to children, parents are presented as oppressors, and running away from home as a solution for students.
The examples given to children in the Social Education textbook are controversial. PHOTO Shutterstock
Before reaching the students, the textbook went through a verification process by the National Center for Curriculum and Evaluation, according to euronews.ro, which presents some examples given to the students.
In one of the lessons, Maria, a country girl, appears as the “oppressed”, while her father is described as an “oppressor” because he opposes her going to a high school in the city.
In one of the scenes, the girl plans to run away from home with her sister to an aunt in the city to continue her studies.
The controversial lesson. PHOTO manuale.edu.ro / Source euronews.ro
“A method of social intervention”
It is just one of the examples given in the manual in the same note.
According to experts in the field, the terms used in the textbook are often used in the field, and the exercise is suitable for students.
“These are terms specific to the theatre-forum. It is a method of social intervention that stimulates creativity, stimulates dialogue between people and has as its final goal this change of attitude regarding some social problems“, said Andreea Popescu, a psychology teacher, according to euronews.ro, who contacted both the authors of the manual and the representatives of the Ministry of Education, without receiving an answer for now.