Marian Godină, harshly criticized after commenting on the song “Macarena”. “Mirel from Turnu Măgurele = Marian from Brașov”

The police officer Godină was harshly criticized by those who read his posts, after the last comment on the song “Macarena”, released by the singer Erika Isac.

Marian Godina

Police officer Marian Godină commented on the play in a post on his Facebook page
“Macarena”launched by the singer Erika Isac.

This song has caused controversy on the Internet, not only because of the harsh and obscene language, but also because of the problems in society that it exposes.

Godină stated that the text is rather addressed to a vulnerable category of women, who, “unfortunately, there are a lot of them“. “The lyrics will be good, but not for everyone, not for all women and not for all men. Rather, they are lyrics against the bombers and for the women who, unfortunately, had a part in them.” stating that they expect a wave of “hate” for his opinion.

“The lyrics seem childish to me and it also seems to me that they are addressed to a category of vulnerable women, and from what I have observed, unfortunately there are a lot of them in this position. I say this after seeing so many shares and comments of appreciation for the song, some from women in their own right.

It makes me realize that for some women, this song really has a powerful message that they find themselves in.

However, another song, by the same artist, has lyrics that go like this: “Mama made me a toupee, who doesn't like to kiss me at …”

Of course it's referring to vagina, not track or some other word that rhymes with cunt,” wrote Marian Godină on Facebook.

Godină's claims drew criticism, with many claiming that through his message

“Mirel from Turnu Măgurele = Marian from Brașov”, writes a well-known journalist on Godină's page.

“Mr. Marian Godina,

In general I agree with you, but this time I have to write to you to contradict a few assumptions. First, you are a man. You never told your mother to put on pants, not a skirt, so that you don't get naked. You weren't told that it's not ok to walk alone on the street in the dark – in winter it's night from 5pm – for that you risk being raped. Nor that pants too tight on the butt would make you a whore. When you were a teenager, it was cool to have as many girls as you could, that didn't make you a whore or undesirable either.

As you grew up, you probably didn't need to hide your absorbent pads in the bottom of your bag for fear of some classmates. There is a fairly high probability that no one will have grabbed your breasts on the street and that you will not have received a single slap on the bum when you are walking home or to college.

When you grew up, I don't think it was necessary for your mother to teach you not to take your eyes off the glass in a cafe, bar or club, for fear of someone drugging you. I don't think you've been forced to detour too often on your way to work to avoid passing a construction site where workers are whistling and shouting obscenities at you.

And I think that through the prism of the job you also know that many of the misfortunes of which women are victims are not necessarily perpetrated by complete strangers.

You see, when a public person like you, who is also a man, comes out to say that these lyrics are an exaggeration, I would say that he speaks without a real basis.

When a public figure comes and says that only certain women are exposed to the dangers that the song talks about, you are basically saying that the victims are to blame, that they sought it out and got what they deserved, that the skirt was short and the blouse was low-cut . It's not really ok, is it?

To tell you: I was 11 years old and we were coming home from school in uniform when a deranged man followed me into the stairwell of the apartment building and put his hand under my sundress while masturbating.

I was 12 years old and it was Friday at 4 pm, in the summer, when I was walking through the center of Iași and a golan slapped me on the bottom, from the car.

I was 19 years old and I was in pants and sneakers when I was coming home and someone followed me with a car and tried to pull me off the sidewalk, inside. I ran and he came back after me and I escaped by entering the yard of an unknown house on the street in the center of Iași. About the number of men who tried to rub against me in the tram when I was a student, it's not even worth saying, I think all women my age have gone through this.

So yes, I resonate a lot with this song. Even if the rest of her songs are an ordinary mess (from what I've listened to on Youtube), I'd say let's stop being so offended by THIS song – as it's about her”. writes another young woman.

“You messed it up with your “opinion”! I've heard it before, women are to blame, all you have to do is register in the group of Brides from all over the country, which is very numerous. And you see that I think that Erika is making you popular now, not the other way around.” is another critical comment on Godină.

Wave of reactions online

The appearance of the song sparked a long line of messages of support and criticism online, and more women began to share their stories, similar to the international “MeToo” movement against sexual harassment and violence.