The “sickness” tax ends up on the table of deputies

The senators voted to eliminate the 10% tax applied to medical leaves, and the decision will go to the final vote next week, in the Chamber of Deputies, decision-making body. What's next?

The elimination of the tax could be done through the GEO. Photo source: archive

The elimination of the “sickness tax” could be rushed through an Emergency Ordinance. The “sickness tax” introduced by PNL and PSD will also be eliminated by PNL and PSD. This, under the pressure of the opposition, of civil society, but especially of those directly affected by the measure: the patients of Romania. Among them, those with oncology, those suffering from chronic diseases, mothers on leave to raise a child or take care of a sick child.

PNL senator Nicoleta Pauliuc stated that “in addition to eliminating the taxation of medical leave for oncology patients, it seemed natural and normal to eliminate an injustice so that maternity leave is no longer taxed. Leave for caring for a sick child no longer has to be taxed either. When you request state support because you have a medical problem, it is unfair for the state to take 10% from you”. Right, we say. But why didn't they think like that from the very beginning? In the plenary session of the Senate, the project also received the support of the social democrats.

What will happen from now on?

The decision is to be submitted to a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decision-making body. It could then be implemented either through an Emergency Ordinance, at which point it would come into force immediately, or it could go back to Parliament. Here a rather winding path would follow: committees will be formed again, amendments will be voted on again, reports will be made, then it will reach the plenary, another vote will follow and only then the law will reach the president for promulgation.

PNL senator Nicoleta Pauliuc emphasized that an attempt is being made to correct an error and stated that it is important to fix it, regardless of the legislative path adopted.

Until now, only people who were on medical leave due to work accidents or occupational diseases were exempted from the 10% tax. The “sickness tax” appeared as a result of the Executive's attempt to eliminate unjustified sick leave. Last year, 4.3 million such leaves were approved.