A man has been vaccinated against COVID more than 200 times in less than three years. What is the reason

A new study published in the medical journal Lancet Infectious Diseases has brought to attention a medical case to say the least: a German patient took 217 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in less than three years.

62-year-old man says he got vaccinated 217 times for 'personal reasons' PHOTO Shutterstock

According to the scientific report, this is an absolute record in terms of the number of vaccinations administered to a single person in such a short period of time.

The research was led by a team of scientists from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and focused on evaluating the impact and response of the patient's immune system to this extraordinary series of vaccinations.

The patient in question, a 62-year-old man, was identified as a resident of Magdeburg, located in eastern Germany. He was chosen for the study because of the unusually high number of vaccinations he says he has had since “personal reasons“.

Dr Kilian Schober, one of the researchers involved in the study, said, according to Sky News: “We learned about this case from media articles and were immediately interested in investigating further. We contacted the patient and offered our help to better understand the impact of this large number of vaccinations on his health.”

It had no significant side effects

According to the report, the patient received 217 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine over a 29-month period. These vaccinations included eight different types of vaccines, and the results showed that the patient reported no significant side effects.

Dr. Schober stated in one of the statements: “Although 217 doses of the vaccine were administered, no major side effects were reported. This suggests that the vaccines were well tolerated by the patient and that his immune system responded appropriately.

The research team looked in depth at the patient's immune response to these multiple vaccinations. The results showed that his immune system was fully functional and that the levels of immune cells and antibodies against the COVID-19 virus were significantly higher than in people who received only a few doses of the vaccine.

Our study showed that despite the high number of vaccinations, the patient's immune system remained effective and was able to respond to the challenge“, said one of the researchers involved in the study.

However, the researchers caution that the results of this study are specific to a single case and cannot be generalized.

More research is needed to better understand the impact and effectiveness of repeated vaccinations within a short period of time.