A Ukrainian who crossed the border through the mountains was found hypothermic. “He kept repeating that he was glad to be alive”

A Ukrainian citizen who crossed the border into Romania through the mountains and, after six days on the road, requested help from the authorities, was found after an action that lasted almost four hours. He had entered hypothermia and complained of chest pains, and in these conditions he was handed over by the mountain rescuers to a medical team.

Salvamont Maramureș intervened at the request PHOTO: Facebook/Salvamont Maramureș

After an action that lasted almost four hours, the mountain rescuers from Maramureş reached the 50-year-old man from Ukraine who crossed the border into Romania through the mountains, and after six days on the road he called 112, asking for support from the Romanian authorities, writes news.ro.

“He was handed over to the medical team that came to support him, because he was hypothermic and had chest pains. He told the rescuers that he had been in the mountains for five nights, having been away from home for six days, and that he did not imagine for a moment what would await him in this adventure. He kept repeating that he was glad to be alive, that he was happy to have been saved, and he didn’t know how to thank us anymore when we offered him hot tea, sandwiches and protein bars”told the representatives of Salvamont Maramureş.

The director of Salvamont Maramureş, Dan Benga, stated that the mountain rescuers acted against the clock.

He acted extremely quickly to recover the Ukrainian who for 6 days only walked on foot and who was exhausted by the effort. Midnight would have also meant temperatures below minus 10 degrees which would have degraded them health status putting him in mortal danger”explained Dan Benga.

The Ukrainian was taken for evaluation by a medical team, after which he will be taken by the authorities for investigation.