On Monday, March 4, the first Baccalaureate 2024 simulation test began: the one for Romanian Language and Literature. The Ministry of Education has published the subjects.
Almost 146,000 students take the Baccalaureate simulation. Photo source: archive
In subject I, point A, the candidates received a text at first sight, by Liviu Rebreanu, “Metropole”. Based on this text, the students had to explain the meaning in the text of the word “efforts” and the meaning of the phrase “at every step”. Based on the same text, the students were then asked to mention the solution found by people interested in reading and unable to buy books.
The children were asked to specify an effect of the increased interest in sports in the Romanian space. In point four the candidates had to explain why bookshop counters in Paris are placed right up to the middle of the pavement. In the last point, the children presented, in 30-50 words, the relationship between French journalists and writers, as it appears from the given text.
In subject I, point B, the requirement was to write a text of at least 150 words, in which to argue whether or not the press contributes to the formation of the public's artistic taste. The arguments had to relate both to the information from the fragment extracted from the volume “Metropole”, by Liviu Rebreanu, and to personal or cultural experience.
The second subject featured the text “Miss Nastasia” by George Mihail-Zamfirescu. The requirement was to present, in a minimum of 50 words, the role of the author's notations.
In the 3rd subject, the human students had to write an essay of at least 400 words, in which to present the particularities of a studied poetic text, belonging to Ion Barbu.