Chain resignations from the PNL Bistrita-Năsăud County Political Bureau. Who are the deputies and mayors who resigned

Deputies Robert Sighiartău and Diana Morar, as well as eight mayors, who are part of the county organization of PNL Bistrita-Năsăud, resigned from their positions in the County Political Bureau (BPJ) of the formation, wanting the dissolution of the forum and the change of Ioan Turc from the position of president of the branch.

And two first vice presidents submitted their resignations. PHOTO Facebook/Robert Sighiartau

Ioan Turc was defeated in the local elections by the PSD candidate, after only one term at the head of Bistrita City Hall, according to Agerpres.

The resignations were confirmed on Tuesday, August 27, by Diana Morar, who added that, apart from the two parliamentarians of PNL Bistrita-Năsăud, two first vice-presidents also resigned, Dorin Vlașin (city councilor of Năsăud) and Cătălin Bota (the mayor of Sângeorz-Băi), but also several vice-presidents of the branch.

In addition, according to the state of the party, the resignation of more than half of the BPJ members has as a consequence the dissolution of the party’s county leadership.

Also, MEP Daniel Buda, who coordinates the PNL Bistrita-Năsăud branch since August 9, had a scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 27, at 6:00 p.m., with Ioan Turc and his supporters.

According to deputy Diana Morar, the people who resigned have no intention of attending the meeting in question, as they no longer have any capacity in the BPJ.

Ioan Turc said on Monday, August 26, in a Facebook post on the PNL Bistrita-Năsăud page that some of those who resigned “they reverted to the decision” and that “no leadership was legally dissolved”.

According to some political sources, in the case of these actions within the PNL Bistrita-Năsăud, the main objective is the nomination of candidates for the parliamentary elections.