Ciolacu, about the broken road in Slănic Prahova: It's a road over the mine. what do you want me to do To know where the roads were built over me?

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared, on Friday, regarding the damaged road in Slănic Prahova that it was built over a mine.

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“A road was made over a mine. what do you want me to do To know where the roads were built over me? Some permits have been given there since those roads were built. Instead, I saw the reaction of the Romanian state and the emergency situations in which they intervened immediately. I saw how the Prefecture intervened. 42 families moved, solutions were found. That's what I saw. But don't ask me to know where. (…) For example, in Râmnicu Sărat, in Buzău county, there were some shacks from Brâncoveanu's time and the road was abandoned. Forgive me….He intervened there too. I spoke with Mr. Raed Arafat, I knew all the things in real time”said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, being questioned by journalists about the situation in Slănic Prahova, where a street collapsed and a two-meter deep crater appeared.

Two-meter crater on a road in Slănic Prahova

Dozens of people were evacuated on Thursday morning, April 25, 2024, from a street in Slănic Prahova after a two-meter crater formed out of nowhere in the asphalt. Authorities are looking into the causes.

Following the meeting of the County Committee for Emergency Situations, several preventive measures were adopted. Thus, it was decided to expand the safety perimeter, by evacuating a block of stairs of a neighboring building, the police station and an economic operator, but also the complete prohibition of traffic, both road and pedestrian, in the area of ​​the safety perimeter.

Specialized measurements are to be taken daily to determine if the land continues to move and to initiate the necessary steps to carry out the specialized expertise aimed at establishing the exact cause that led to the land settling.

At the level of the local public authority, spaces have been identified for the accommodation of people from the evacuated buildings, so that in the event that they request support, they will be directed to these locations.

Operative crews of the IGSU, the Romanian Police and the Romanian Gendarmerie are present on site for the optimal management of the situation.

The place where the explosion occurred is approximately 500 meters from Salina Slănic Prahova – where, at a depth of more than 200 meters, is the Unirea Mine, with an area of ​​more than 50 thousand square meters. A short distance away are also two salt mines, now closed.