Draft law for the “regulation of family relations”, on the Government's list of priorities for 2024

As part of the projects on the Government's list of legislative priorities, approved on Thursday in the Executive session, a normative act currently in the works at the Ministry of the Family provides for the “regulation of family relations”. The initiative would be finalized and approved in June.

The initiative should reach the Government's table in June PHOTO Shutterstock

According to the document containing the Government's legislative program, approved in Thursday's meeting, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities is working on a project to regulate family relations”

What the project provides

“The purpose of the Romanian Family Law is to provide a comprehensive and fair legal framework for the regulation of family relations and the protection of the rights and interests of the members of a family,” says the cited source.

The main regulations of the law are:

“1. Defining the family: Specifying the concept of family, recognizing the diversity of family forms (traditional family, single-parent family, adoptive families, etc.);

2. The rights and responsibilities of parents: Establishing the rights and obligations of parents towards children, including the right to custody, visitation, financial support and responsibility for the education and well-being of children;

3. Protection of children: Ensuring a legal framework for protecting children against neglect, abuse and exploitation, including intervention measures in situations of abuse or neglect;

4. Regulation of marriage and divorce: Establishing the conditions and procedures for the conclusion of marriage, as well as the rules and procedures for divorce, custody and division of property;

5. Adoption and protection of vulnerable people: Specifying the legislation in force for the adoption process, ensuring protection and support for children without parents or for vulnerable people, such as the elderly;

6. Protection of victims of domestic violence: Establishing measures and resources/institutions responsible for preventing and protecting victims of domestic violence, including protection orders and access to counseling and support services”the cited source also shows.

The topic of redefinition of the Family

The initiative comes in the context in which the failure of the referendum for the traditional family, from 2018, did not exhaust the topic of redefinition of marriage in the Constitution, as evidenced by the latest debates on the subject, the topic could be an important one in the context of the 2024 election year, according to specialists.

Romania must present, by March 25, the proposals for measures following the ECHR decision regarding the recognition and legal protection of same-sex couples.

What projects are the ministries preparing?

There are another 32 projects on the list of priorities that should be approved by the Government and then sent to the Parliament for debate.

For the first session, the Government is considering another project to amend and supplement Law no. 446/2006 on the preparation of the population for defense, due in March.

Another project, due in May, provides for the National Integrated Management System of Crisis Situations. The initiative proposes “the creation of the legal and institutional framework for ensuring the integrated management of crisis situations and the stability of the principles and general rules regarding the unitary action, at the national level, of the authorities and institutions with attributions in the field, in order to defend and promote national security interests and Romania's participation in international crisis management, in accordance with national legislation and the treaties to which Romania is a party”.