How we use Agheasma Mare. Patriarch Daniel: “Releasers of unclean spirits, evil passions and difficult situations”

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, PF Daniel, explained, in his speech on Monday, January 6, 2025, what is the significance of the Baptism of the Lord, but also why we use the Great Agheasma and why the Great Sanctification is not performed on any other day of the year than Epiphany.

The service of Aghesma Mari at the Patriarchate – 2025 PHOTO:

The Baptism of the Lord, celebrated on January 6, is one of the greatest celebrations of Christianity and represents the commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, but also the updating or renewal of our own baptism, it is mentioned in the speech given by the patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Blessed Daniel , at the service of Great Agheasma.

This feast is mentioned in the 3rd century, along with the feast of the Nativity of the Lord and the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. On this day, the Gospels show us the connection that exists between the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan and the baptism of every Christian, namely, after He was baptized in the Jordan with the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins – although he had no sin – baptism that was preparatory for Christian baptism later, when Jesus Christ was coming out of the waters of the Jordan, the Holy Gospels say, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus and stood above Him (Matthew 3, 16; Mark 1, 10; Luke 3, 21-22). It hovered over Him, as if someone were pointing at Him, as St. John Chrysostom says, to distinguish Him from the other people who were at Jordan. And from heaven the voice of the eternal Father was heard, saying: “This is my beloved Son, for whose good I have willed” (Matthew 3, 17; Mark 1, 11; Luke 3, 22). In other words, at the moment of Jesus’ exit from the waters of the Jordan, the heavens open and the Holy Trinity is revealed, i.e. the eternal Son of God, who became man out of love for people and for their salvation, is shown to people by the Holy Spirit, Which descends on Jesus, in the form of a dove and testified by the voice of the Father from heaven, who says: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” That is why in the troparion of the Baptism of the Lord it is said: “In the Jordan baptizing You, Lord, the worship (or adoration) of the Trinity was revealed; that the Father’s voice testified to You, Son beloved by naming You; and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the confirmation of the word”, that is, it confirmed the strength or power of the Father’s word”said PF Daniel.

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is also called appearing or Epiphany To the Lord Jesus at Jordan, but also Theophany or Divine Appearancethat is Showing the Holy Trinity. “Thus, the Appearance of the Holy Trinity after the Baptism of the Lord Jesus in the Jordan prepares the baptism of Christians. That is why, towards the end of His activity on earth, before He ascended in glory to Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to teach all nations, that is, all peoples, baptizing them “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” and to teach them to observe all that He commanded (Matthew 28, 19-20)”the patriarch mentioned.

“We remember the Baptism of the Lord and our own baptism”

The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan is the foundation of Christian baptism, and we, on January 6, celebrate the commemoration of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, but also the updating or renewal of our own baptism, the patriarch continued. “For this reason, the holy water on the feast day of the Baptism of the Lord is tasted by Christians and they are sprinkled with this water, to remember their baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity. Today, we remember the Baptism of the Lord and our own baptism, when we were children and were baptized by the priest, and the Creed was spoken by the godparents”. said OF Daniel.

Along with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we also remember the baptism of the Romanian people, who were not baptized at the command of the leader of the people (prince or king), “but through a slow process, started by Saint Andrew the Apostle”. (…) Slow and deep Christianity, which helped us preserve the apostolic faith during the invasion of migratory peoples and hostile powers”added the patriarch.

The distinction between the Greater Sanctification of water and the Lesser Sanctification

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord also includes the Great Sanctification of the water or Agheasma Mari, which takes place only in connection with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

It is called the “great” sanctification because there is also a “small” one, and there are important differences between the two.

The Great Sanctification of the water is performed only on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, while the Small Sanctification (or the Consecration, when the house is sanctified) is performed especially on August 1, on September 1, at the beginning of Easter Lent and whenever it is needed: at the consecration of the house, the consecration of the well, the consecration of the holdings, etc. So this is the first difference: the Great Agheasma is celebrated once a year, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, while the Little Agheasma, several times”. it is a first difference, mentioned PF Daniel.

The second difference is that, at the Great Sanctification of the water, there are two series of three invocations of the Holy Spirit. These two series of three invocations or calls of the Holy Spirit were called, in theological terms, double epiclesis, that is, it is a double or double sanctification. This Great Sanctification is also shown through a richer prayer, through a more solemn service in addition to this insistence on the call of the Holy Spirit to sanctify the water.

Therefore, the Great Agheasma is not celebrated on any other day of the year than at the Baptism of the Lord, and together with this sanctification of the water – the Great Sanctification of the water – we joyfully remember the baptism of the Lord in the Jordan, because the One who was baptized in the Jordan is present here. In our Orthodox tradition, the Great Consecration of the water is done before the end of the Liturgy. So it is part of the Liturgy: after we sanctify the water, the final blessing is given and the otpustus (apolis or conclusion) of the Holy Liturgy is done, outside the church”added the patriarch.

What do we use Agheasma Mare for?

There are three special works of holy water on the day of the Baptism of the Lord:

First of allshe is holyÞCompanionsoul and body, of houses, households and gardens. Second, Agheasma Mare it is healingof soul and body diseases. That is why those who are very sick also take the Great Holy Communion during the year, as well as those who are not allowed to receive communion, but as a consolation or comfort they receive release from the priest to take the Great Holy Communion.

Thirdly Great Agheasma is liberating of unclean spirits, bad passions and difficult situations. That is, by tasting Agheasma Mare and sprinkling with Agheasma Mare, passions and impure spirits or evil spirits are banished. That’s why when man has troubles, trials in life, he uses this Great Agheasma. So Agheasma Mare is sanctifying, healing and liberating from evil passions and unclean spirits”, said PF Daniel.

The Great Agheasma is also used in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church, for the consecration of anti-masses (liturgical objects), church vestments, for the consecration of church objects, for the consecration of bells, etc.

Little Agheasma is used whenever needed. The Little Sanctification service is shorter and does not contain two series of invocations of the Holy Spirit, but only one. The Little Agheasma is also beneficent, sanctifying, healing and liberating, and very often, the patriarch recalled, the faithful, at the beginning of the month, call the priest to sanctify their home.

In conclusion, we must remember the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to sanctify the whole world – not only the human soul and body, but also the entire cosmos, the entire creation. When the Savior became man, He was incarnated from within humanity, from the Virgin’s womb, through the work of the Holy Spirit. And so he first sanctified human nature, soul and body, from within humanity. Then, when He was born in the cave of Bethlehem, He sanctified the Earth from within, from the cave. And today, at the Baptism of the Lord, we see and sing in our services that He sanctifies the waters of the Jordan and the nature of the waters, reminding us that, at the beginning of the creation of the world, the Holy Spirit “moved over the waters” (Genesis 1, 2). Now the Holy Spirit moves above the waters for the restoration, rebirth or renewal of creation, of the world. And our baptism is a new birth, a spiritual birth, as opposed to a biological birth. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ said: “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (John 3, 5).

May the Most Merciful God help us to feel Christ’s love for us and to respond to Him with faith, love and good deeds, for the glory of God and for our salvation! Amen!”the patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church said in conclusion.