Klaus Iohannis believes that, until the elections, the governing coalition will work, despite mutual attacks. “I don’t think there’s any point in imagining anything else”

On an official visit to Chisinau, President Klaus Iohannis held a press conference in which he declared his confidence in the fact that Romania will pass the electoral process well and will not enter “a phase of political instability”.

President Iohannis believes that there is no risk in terms of political stability

The high stakes of the November elections make political analysts ask themselves questions about how the governing coalition will work until then and how the electoral process will proceed both in terms of the presidential and parliamentary elections, where both parties are trying to obtain as many Romanian votes as possible, according to Agerpres.

In this context, on Saturday, President Klaus Iohannis declared that he is convinced that “Romania will not enter a phase of political instability”despite the electoral campaigns in which the two major parties accuse each other of the failures of this mandate.

During a press conference held in Chisinau, he wanted to specify that he will not get involved in the electoral campaign of the political parties, but will ensure that the state institutions will function.

“If you ask me about how the Coalition works, how the Government works and how the next few months will be, they will be very hectic. I don’t think there’s any point in imagining anything else. These are extremely complicated campaigns, which have to be organized by the parties, by the candidates, and I have already seen that it is very easy in the public space to reach mutual accusations, to all kinds of discussions that sometimes did not seem necessarily principled to me, but they they take place when there are electoral campaigns with very high stakes and we haven’t had campaigns and elections with such high stakes as now. However, I will try and I think I will manage to keep calm at a reasonable level in the administration. In what the parties and candidates will do, I do not intend to get involved, because it is not my campaign, but, yes, I intend to get involved in what happens at the administrative level and at the level of large state institutions, in the sense, as it is written in Constitution, to watch over the good functioning of these institutions”, said Klaus Iohannis.

“In my opinion, with all the agitation in the campaign that is created by the candidates, the parties and the media, I believe that Romania will not enter a phase of instability or reach a phase where it can hardly be governed. We will go through these elections and I am confident that the Romanians will know what to choose”, the head of state added, optimistically.