Political travesty causes scandal in AUR. The members of the Piatra Neamț branch resigned en masse

Several members of the AUR Piatra Neamț branch resigned, accusing the central leadership of the political formation of imposing a former PNL county councilor in the position of candidate for mayor.

Several AUR Piatra Neamț members submitted their resignations PHOTO Inquam

“The AUR Piatra Neamț organization does not support him and does not wish to be associated with Mr. Marius Apopei in any way. We cannot support a man who was imposed on us from Bucharest, a man who did nothing for this organization”claimed in a video published on Facebook the resigned coordinator of AUR Piatra Neamț, Loredan Popa, reasoning that Apopei “walked through three parties in the last election cycles”.

The former coordinator also claimed that its imposition contravenes the AUR statute, the branches having autonomy regarding the proposals for candidacies, announcing the resignation of the members of the branch's Management Office, but also a “destruction”, given that more than 90% of the organization's members would follow to submit their resignations.

At the same time, George Simion, the president of AUR, declared in a press conference that Marius Apopei is the AUR candidate for Piatra-Neamț City Hall, announcing that he is the president of the Piatra-Neamț AUR organization.

“The Lord of the Apocalypse works with the most important man in our country, and I think he has the most important master, the most powerful master: God! Mr. Apopei knows administration, precisely because he did not want to be a party to the illegalities in Piatra-Neamț Town Hall qualifies him. He is a man with whom we have a history of over 15 years and he is part of our family”Simion reasoned, according to Presadeneamț.ro.

Regarding the resignation of the organization, Simion stated that “they've had it since October last year and now they want to riot.”

“Also, they wanted to make the arrangements here. We don't like local or central arrangements”also accused the leader of the political formation.