Survey. 53% of Romanians want the merging of the European parliamentary elections with the local ones. PSD and PNL would take more than 50% of the votes in the first elections

More than half of Romanians agree with merging the European parliamentary elections with the local ones, according to a survey commissioned by PSD and PNL. The same survey also shows that the social democrats would get 31% of the votes at the polls, and the liberals 20%.

Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciucă PHOTO Inquam Photos

To the question “Do you personally agree that the European Parliament elections should be merged with the local elections?”, 53% of those questioned answered that they would agree, 35% disagree, and 12% cannot appreciate or do not answer, according to the Avangarde survey, at the command of the two parties of the Coalition.

Question whether “The future Government of Romania that will be formed after the general elections should be made up of parties that together ensure the constitutional majority and political stability?”, 66% answered affirmatively, 21% had a negative answer, and 13 % can't rate or don't respond.

Regarding voting intentions for the first round of elections, i.e. European Parliament elections, PSD is credited with 31% voting intention. The Liberals would be voted by 20% of the voters, while the Alliance for the Union of Romanians is at 18%.

The United Right Alliance (USR, PMP and Forța Dreptei) has a devoted intention of 15%, while SOS Romania is at 8%. And UDMR would capture the European Parliament through the 5%, and REPER has only 2%.

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The survey was carried out by telephone, between 19 – 20.02, on a sample of 950 subjects. The maximum sampling error, at a 95% confidence level, is +/- 3.1%.

Tudose: Romanians want stability

Mihai Tudose, the campaign coordinator of the PSD for the European Parliament, stated in his turn that they received the results of a survey showing that Romanians want joint elections.

“We were waiting for a sociological research about what Romanians want and to act in this sense. That sociological research reached us last night, at 12 midnight. We give you for the first time the fact that more than 60% of Romanians want the merger and an even larger majority, they want the continuity of the government, stability and coherence in the government”, said Tudose.