Jacob Lucas, a British relationship expert, points out five essential signs that women should look out for in a relationship. If their partner ticks off the list, they should raise serious questions about whether the partner is really right for them.
Signs That A Woman Deserves More In A Relationship PHOTO Shutterstock
An expert in relationships, dating and body language, Lucas presented these signs in a video, recently posted on his Instagram account.
“Too many people settle for less than the bare minimum. You should only be with someone who makes the effort to make you feel wanted, wanted and happy”Lucas pointed out in an interview with The Post.
Signs of an inappropriate relationship
1. Lack of romantic encounters
The first sign highlighted by Lucas is the absence of invitations to meetings. He emphasizes the importance of spending time together and rhetorically asks: “What's the point of being in a relationship if you don't go on dates?”
2. Poor hygiene and personal care
The second sign refers to the person's hygiene and appearance. If your partner doesn't pay the same attention to their physical appearance as you do, this could be an indicator that you're in a relationship with someone who isn't putting in enough effort.
3. Lack of support for your goals and dreams
Red flag number three is the absence of support for your goals and dreams. Lucas warns that if your partner doesn't support you as much as you support them, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship.
4. Selective communication
Lucas draws attention to how your partner communicates and suggests that if they only talk to you when they need something, it could be a sign of an unsatisfying relationship.
“She's not talking to you because she wants you to feel wanted, she's doing it so she can get something from you“, said the expert.
5. Infidelity
The last red flag concerns loyalty, or rather, the lack thereof. If your partner is not as loyal as you are, this could be a crucial aspect that needs attention.
What a healthy relationship should look like
Numerous people in the comments recognized the value of these tips, expressing gratitude for Lucas' guidance and confessing that they have applied them in their own relationships.
“5/5 lol. I deserve better, that's why I finally left”one user wrote, reflecting on the importance of one's self-esteem.
Known for his advice, Lucas often offers helpful advice for those in search of healthy and fulfilling relationships. He tells women that men should return texts and phone calls, go on at least one date a week, and offer support and affection.