The concerts of tenor Placido Domingo in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest will be rescheduled

The concerts in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest by tenor Placido Domingo, scheduled this month, will be rescheduled, announced the Mall4Art Cultural Association, one of the organizers of the event. The famous artist announced that he has health problems.

“The legendary tenor Placido Domingo he had to cancel his trip to Romania, for medical reasons; the two extraordinary concerts he was going to give on February 23, 2024, at the BT Arena in Cluj Napoca, from 7:30 p.m., respectively on February 26, at the Palatului Hall in Bucharest, from 7:30 p.m., a sold out event , were postponed to a later date. Since Saturday night, master Domingo he felt sick and had a fever. According to an official medical document received and made available to the organizers, Placido Domingo was diagnosed with acute bronchitis, for which a vocal rest period of at least 10 days was imposed on him”. specifies, on Facebook, the Mall4Art Cultural Association.

The dates on which the two concerts will be rescheduled, respectively the one in Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest, will be announced as soon as possible, according to the same press release.

Placido Domingo was going to sing on February 23, at the BT Arena in Cluj, and on February 26, at the Sala Palatului in Bucharest, with the famous soprano Adela Zaharia and the Valahia Symphony Orchestra, with the Spanish conductor Jordi Bernàcer at the lectern, special guests being announce the son of the tenor, Placido Domingo Jr., and the Romanian tenor Alin Stoica.

“I'm extremely sad”

Placido Domingo also sent a message to his eagerly awaiting fans:

Placido Domingo. PHOTO Facebook Placido Domingo

“I am extremely sad that it has to be postponed at this time, especially for the inconvenience this is causing to everyone who has already planned to come to the concerts. The meetings are only postponed, and we are already looking for new dates to make them“.

The organizers specify that, following the postponement of the two shows, the purchased tickets do not lose their validity for the rescheduled edition

“The organizers together with the Master's staff assure the public that there will be no other changes in the concert in which all the originally announced guests will participate”, the Mall4Art Cultural Association also specified.