Terrified by the noise made by the birds in their neighbors' yard, many Romanians are looking for solutions to escape the nuisance of people. Some of them are even advised to turn to lawyers if the parties do not reach a common denominator.
Bibles terrorized people Photo AV
The peafowls, those cute but very noisy birds, have caused a real controversy online, on the Facebook group “Moved to the country – Life without a clock”. Guinea fowls are usually raised for their meat, considered a real delicacy in some countries, but also for their cholesterol-free eggs. Beetroot is also helpful in the garden as it repels ticks, lice, ants and even mice.
Raising guinea pigs is no different from raising chickens, but because they love freedom it is advisable to give them space to move around during the day. Although they are not as widespread as other poultry, their singing, often assimilated to the words “sin-sin”, causes a lot of headache and has become a “lawlessness” for many people.
“Do you have neighbors who have guinea pigs? How do you handle the situation? My neighbors, both to the left and to the right, raise guinea fowl. I make an indescribable noise. I hear them with the windows closed. I work from home. It's horrible. I can't concentrate at all. The neighbors don't care because it bothers me. What would you do in my place?”, Elena asked the group.
“Animals do not grow next to the neighbor's window”
And the question has divided the internet into two camps, with the post having more than 600 comments. “I would move to the city. It would be clear that my place would not be in the country, because, you see, people raise animals there“, a person tells him.
The answer was no, but to everyone's liking, and another person advises her to call a lawyer because the Bible must also be “raised” according to some rules: “Typical Romanian answer, on the system: I do what I want in my yard! Well, in your yard you are still in a community and you have to keep certain rules in mind. Animals do not grow next to the neighbor's window, there are common sense rules applicable both in the country and in the city, and they are something to see, and regulated. I mean there are laws. So a lawyer can be consulted“.
The opinion is shared by another member of the group: “My opinion is to consult a lawyer, there are some permissible noise limits, you can contact a laboratory that makes measurements and if the permissible levels are exceeded, you can take measures”.
There were also people who were tired of the noise of the city, not of the peacocks. “The moment you move to the country, you also realize that, big surprise, people raise animals in the country! A sad city dweller tells you, fed up with motorbikes and rescues with the siren turned on, after 11 pm, when the boulevard is empty! Which lawyer should I consult?!“.
There were also jokes: “If I were you, I would do a fox “breeding” right next to the neighbors' fences”.
“No one complained in the meetings that they heard guinea pigs
Until measuring the noise produced by the guinea fowl, there were also people who tried to offer more useful advice.
“My grandmother always had Bibles. I grew up with them. 20 years later, I moved to a village near the city, and I have guinea pigs too. Their eggs are very healthy and we have no rodents/snails/snakes in the garden as we let them free range. They also poured some blocks next to us, because that's the newer fashion, with blocks in the village. I also work from home, and I have no problems in meetings, I use classic wired headphones with a microphone on them, and no one has complained in meetings that they hear guinea pigs in the background“.