The first votes from the diaspora for the presidential election have already been received by Romanian Post

The first votes from the diaspora for the presidential elections have already been received by Romanian Post, the company announced on Saturday.

The first votes from the diaspora for the presidential elections have already been received. Photo Archive

The National Company “Pošta Română” (CNPR) announced, on Saturday, the receipt of the first postal votes sent by Romanian citizens from the diaspora for the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

This action is part of the Company’s commitment to support the exercise of the right to vote by mail for Romanians abroad, based on the contracts concluded with the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) and in accordance with the legislation in force. For the presidential elections of 2024, Pošta Română sent over 6,000 postal items, covering both voting rounds. Also, for the parliamentary elections (Senate and Chamber of Deputies), approximately 6,000 envelopes were sent with the documents necessary for postal voting”it is stated in a press release.

According to the quoted source, currently, 184 envelopes with votes received from abroad were registered, which came from the following countries: Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, France, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland.

The Romanian Post is committed to ensuring an efficient and transparent electoral process for all Romanian citizens who chose to express their vote by mail. This is an absolute priority for the Company, and the measures taken reflect our determination to ensure citizens’ access to democratic voting, while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of each vote.”states the Romanian Post.

CNPR is the national operator in the field of postal services and is owned by the Romanian state, represented by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (93.52% of the shareholding) and Fondul Proprietatea (6.48% of the shareholding).

AEP, clarifications regarding the vote of Romanians domiciled or residing abroad

According to the information published on the AEP website, in the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and for the President of Romania in 2024, Romanian voters, with domicile or residence abroad, can vote by mail or at the polling station, under the law.

If you are a Romanian voter with domicile or residence abroad and you want to exercise your right to vote at the polling station, you can register in the Electoral Register as a voter abroad, for each type of election, starting from April 1, 2024 and until the expiry date of no more than 15 days from the start date of the electoral period.

If you are a Romanian voter with domicile or residence abroad and you want to exercise your right to vote by mail, you must register as a voter by mail, for each type of election. The registration period as a postal voter begins on April 1, 2024 and expires 45 days before the voting date.