Meeting on Thursday, the governing coalition decided that the draft law on raising the tax threshold for pensions from 2,000 to 3,000 lei should be adopted in the Parliament.
It would follow that pensions under 3,000 lei would no longer be taxed PHOTO: Archive
It is about the PNL project submitted by Raluca Turcan, political sources said, according to Agerpres.
The coalition also agreed on the adoption by Emergency Ordinance of a package of measures, which provides, among other things, the updating of the ceilings regarding the beneficiaries, as a result of the pension increase for a large majority of pensioners.
At this moment, they are discussing the update for the 250 lei food vouchers paid once every 2 months – 2.4 million beneficiaries, according to sources cited by Agerpres.
Raluca Turcan suggested a “quick” vote
PNL vice-president Raluca Turcan stated, on Thursday, related to the increase in the tax ceiling of pensions, that it would “the fairest” a vote “rapid” in the Chamber of Deputies on the project in the field promoted by liberals in 2022 and which has the support of all parliamentarians, having already been adopted by the Senate.
Turcan says that, through the Government’s intention to intervene through an emergency ordinance regarding the increase of the pension taxation ceiling, a “premise of unconstitutionality” and it is possible “vulnerable” a very important measure.