“Bucharest lost a very good activist and gained a very weak mayor. (…) this election (of the mayor of Bucharest) should not be about who is the candidate who beats Firea, but who is the candidate who has solutions for Bucharest” the PNL Bucharest leader also declared.
Nicușor Dan/Gabriela Firea and Sebastian Burduja. Photo: Inquam Photo
The leader of PNL Bucharest, Sebastian Burduja, declared on Wednesday that he is convinced that he will beat both Gabriela Firea and Nicusor Dan in the elections for the Capital City Hall, because the people of Bucharest want something else. He also said that Bucharest has not evolved, as a city, but has even regressed considering the lack of hot water for a good part of its inhabitants.
“I think that Bucharest has no more time to lose (..) there are urgent problems, there are millions of Bucharesters who are waiting for something else, there are hundreds of thousands of Bucharesters who are in the cold and have no hot water. (..) I am determined to work until the bottom, to leave something behind”, said Sebastian Burduja, in the Electoral Insider show from Prima News.
The PNL Bucharest leader supports his statements on the poll commissioned by the branch, which shows that two-thirds of Bucharest residents do not want Firea mayor and two-thirds do not want Nicusor Dan mayor.
“So this means listening to people and offering them an alternative. I would not be able to look in the mirror and know that I am not running, because that would mean that I am resigned to choosing the lesser evil again, and this has been the curse of Romania and Bucharest for too many years. We are summarizing the recipe of the 2016-2020 commemries or the recipe of blockages and lack of reaction, of involvement. I don't sum them up like that, you can see it with the naked eye in Bucharest, you don't have to be a specialist to see it. Bucharest is stagnating, standing still. We stand in traffic, we stand still“, Burduja pointed out.
Sebastian Burduja specified that the liberals gave Nicuşor Dan every chance to succeed.
“Unfortunately, it is a big disappointment and a big disappointment first of all for us. I once had a roast with Clotilde, the same story, I also went to the campaign with Clotilde and Nicusor. I am simply angry that a man who claimed to come from a new generation, who had to come with a new breath, with an involvement, a development of the city, simply chose to lock himself in the office, not to answer on the phone. I don't understand him, I think he forgot why he was elected by the people”, said the PNL Bucharest leader.
About Nicusor Dan, Burduja stated that “he is a decent man and a very good civic activist. “Bucharest lost a very good activist and gained a very weak mayor“, he added.
Asked if he could be in Cătălin Predoiu's situation, from 2016, when Gabriela Firea won the mayor's mandate, Burduja said: “No, and I'm convinced that I'm beating both of them, Firea and Nicuşor Dan, because the people of Bucharest want something else, they saw what Firea did and what Nicuşor could do, in fact what they couldn't do“.
According to Burduja, there is no Bucharester who has come to tell him that Bucharest looks good, that it has changed for the better. “Everyone recognizes that we are in failure“, he added.
Regarding the criticism that he could help Gabriela Firea become mayor, Burduja said that this is “Nicusor's logic” and it is a cheap logic.
“It is sold cheaply, because this election should not be about who is the candidate who beats Firea, but who is the candidate who has solutions for Bucharest“, Sebastian Burduja also declared, specifying that it is a logic “abundant in arrogance, in a self-sufficiency that Nicuşor Dan manifests”.
“I said to Nicusor: Do you want to beat Firea? You have to beat me!“, Burduja also affirmed, showing that he proposed to the mayor of the Capital primary elections in the party.