Uninsured people will benefit from oncological medical services free of charge. Where will the money come from and what is the role of the GP

Uninsured people can benefit from services for prevention, detection and confirmation of oncological disease, settled by the social health insurance system, but for this they must go, first of all, to the family doctor.

Uninsured patients will benefit from free oncology medical services. Source: archive

To benefit from these services, such a person must follow a few steps:

He is registered on the patient list of a family doctor, of his choice. if he had a family doctor when he was an insured person, he can re-register with him.

Schedule and attend a preventive consultation with the respective doctor. These consultations are granted by age group, being settled by the Health Insurance House as follows:

  • two consultations per year for people aged 18 to 39;
  • up to three consultations per year for people over 40 who are not in the family doctor’s records with other chronic conditions;

The family doctor will assess the risk that the patient has a hidden disease without symptoms. Depending on the assessment, he can decide to send the patient for free preventive medical tests and will give him a referral ticket.

If at any of the consultations the family doctor suspects that the patient has a form of cancer, to confirm or refute the suspicion, he will be able to refer him as appropriate:

  • to carry out free medical tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, the results of which will then be interpreted by the family doctor;
  • to be consulted on an outpatient basis by a specialist doctor;
  • to be admitted as a day hospital.

How many consultations will be settled for uninsured patients

Based on the referral ticket, the outpatient specialist will be able to give the uninsured patient consultations to detect oncological conditions. A maximum of two consultations/trimester/person will be settled, the presentation at the second consultation being done directly, without a referral ticket. Also, the medical specialist will be able to perform diagnostic procedures and medical services for case-diagnosis purposes. As the case may be. The specialist doctor will be able to issue referral tickets to the patient for:

  • laboratory analyses, imaging;

On the basis of the referral ticket from the family doctor or specialist in the ambulatory, in the day hospitalization it will be possible to carry out: the diagnosis of the oncological condition, the evaluation of the tumor extension, the evaluation of the clinical-biological status of the patient with the oncological condition. It is recommended that these services be performed within a maximum of 28 days from the opening of the first day hospitalization sheet. Also in the hospital, medical services can be performed for case-diagnosis purposes for the early detection of cervical cancer and breast cancer.

The allocated funds come from the state budget

After confirming the diagnosis of the oncological disease, the uninsured patient will be able to be included in the national Oncology program and, if he has no source of income, after inclusion in the program he will be able to become an insured person without paying the contribution, until the respective condition is cured.

The funds necessary for the settlement of medical services granted to uninsured persons are not provided from the contributions paid by the insured persons, but through a separate additional allocation from the state budget.