Video Who is the high school student with hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok, involved in the AUR campaign: “Instead of being at school, he is at the parliament buffet”

A high school student from Alba county, who has almost 300,000 followers on TikTok, is involved in the electoral campaign of AUR. His case was made public by a professor from Babeş Bolyai University. “Instead of being at school, he is at the parliament buffet”the teacher writes.

Valentin Palade, influencer for AUR PHOTO: FB

High school student in the campaign for AUR and Simion-writes, on Facebook, Irimie Popa, professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management, UBB Cluj.

However, the teacher continues, “extracting a student from classes and walking him around the Parliament buffet, sorry, has nothing to do with education”.

“On the contrary, maybe with Dristor’s shaormeria, rather!! Probably, tomorrow’s voter profile will be that of a man without school, without food in the attic, with a full stomach, if possible as peripheral as possible in terms of education. (For those who don’t know, the Ardennesianism Foale=belly/stomach.) Vajnici patriots from AUR are picking raw vegetables!!!!! some would say….. Really, NO AND???? And what if the slum-like periphery invades our lives?! NO, AND?!”, Professor Irimie Popa added.

Next, the teacher presents images of the young man who has over 293,000 followers on TikTok.

The student’s name is Valentin Palade and he introduces himself on TikTok as Bacalbaşa Valeruţ.

According to, he went to the Parliament, from where he reported on what he saw there:Good cola, cheap food and well developed portions”.

Later, he went to the canteen of the Parliament, from where he reported about the prices.

“It is not expensive in Parliament. We have here three well-developed portions, three well-developed portions how much?”he asks, to which he is answered: “250 lei”.

“In three well-built people, what is that? And zama, and the second course and everything you need” is the reply of the young man filming the soup tray, the second course and papanasi.