The elected members of the Parliament continued to go on exotic trips, with settlement from the state, and in the second part of 2023, actions were chosen in distant places of the globe, such as Uruguay, Angola or Vietnam.
The three parliamentarians who went to Uruguay PHOTO Chamber of Deputies
Three deputies, Laurentiu-Daniel Marin (PSD), Claudiu Manta (PSD) and Laurentiu-Nicolae Cazan (PNL), took the path of South America, that is, they went to Montevideo. The three participated in the period 25-27 September 2023 at the second World Summit of Future Commissions, with the general theme “Integrating the future into the present – the democracy of the future, artificial and parliamentary intelligence”. The purpose of the event, as presented in the travel acceptance document: “It aims to continue the dialogue between parliamentary futures committees around the world, with the overall aim of strengthening the role and integration of futures thinking in parliamentary practice, with a focus on artificial intelligence and its relationship to democracy“. For the 6.5 days spent away, the Chamber of Deputies paid 24,750 lei (Cazan), 24,777 lei (Manta) and 24,750 lei (Marin). None of the three spoke at any event, according to the information provided after the summit.
Road to Angola
Two parliamentarians, Zakarias Zoltan (UDMR) and Mirela Adomnicai (PSD), went to Luanda (Angola) to participate in the work of the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (October 22-27), where they discussed within the specialized commissions on “parliamentary control and preventive actions in support of peace, the role of Parliaments in promoting a culture of transparency, fighting corruption and involving citizens to restore trust in national and international institutions“. For the 9 days settled by the Chamber, Zakarias Zoltan received 44,796 lei, while the costs for Mirela Adomnicai were 45,153 lei.
Ana Maria Cătăuță (PSD) and Mircea Florin (PSD) went to Vietnam. 31,740 lei (5 and a half days), respectively 33,450 lei (6 and a half days) were the amounts settled by the Chamber of Deputies for Cătăuță and Florin. The event was the World Conference of Young Parliamentarians, from September 12 to September 18, 2023. The reason for the trip: “Dialogue and sharing experiences and best practices on topics of common interest, promoting the status of young people in society and integrating their perspective into national legislation and policies “. Of the two, Cătăuță delivered a speech during the plenary session.
The former liberal deputy Pavel Popescu, now number two in ANCOM, went to Japan for 3 and a half days, being settled the sum of 47,036 lei, for his presence at the Internet Governance Forum.
The money for 2024
In the first part of 2023, some of the elected members of the legislature ticked countries like Chile, Japan or Bahrain, after in the past years they were distant destinations in Central America or remote areas of the African continent, as in the case of Rwanda. According to the information provided by “Adevărul”, 16.06 million lei were allocated to the Senate for 2024, while the amount approved for travel in the Chamber of Deputies is 8.05 million lei.