There are a whole host of possible reasons why women tend to live longer on average than men, some explained by genetic differences between the sexes, some derived from the lifestyles of women and men.
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Women live longer than men. It seems like a risky generalization, but it is borne out by the numbers. Almost all statistics from the last decade have shown the same thing. Eurostat data shows that life expectancy at birth for women in the EU is 82.9 years, while for men it is 77.2 years. In Romania, women have a life expectancy of 76.6 years, almost seven and a half years more than men, who have a life expectancy of 69.2 years.
This discrepancy in longevity has been the subject of much study and debate, and one perspective that has gained in popularity suggests that how women and men manage and express emotions may play a key role in this equation.
Psychiatrist specialist Cozmin Mihai from the “Socola” Hospital in Iași emphasizes that one of the explanations for women's longer lifespan is related to their ability to open up and share their experiences and emotions more often. According to the doctor, this tendency of women to communicate and seek social support has a positive impact on their physical and mental health in the long term.
“One of the reasons you women live longer than us men is that you open up and talk a lot. You download a lot from this box with a lot of emotional pressure. We men don't, which is precisely why we present a greater cardiovascular and mental risk than you. Although on depression and anxiety you have a deficit from this point of view“, explains psychiatrist Cozmin Mihai.
Research in the field has shown that suppressing or repressing emotions can have negative consequences on health, contributing to increased stress levels. In contrast, the open expression of emotions can serve as a form of emotional release and help reduce stress and the risk of associated illnesses.
In addition to expressing emotions, there are other factors that can contribute to women's longevity. For example, women are more likely to seek preventive health care and adopt healthy lifestyles, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, experts say.