10 Signs You Have Malaria That Can Be Mistaken For A Common Cold: “Convulsions, Coma, and Death May Occur”

There are 10 warning signs that require an emergency presentation to the hospital, especially since undiagnosed and untreated malaria can be fatal. So far, 11 cases have been confirmed in Romania, of which two patients have died.

The Anopheles mosquito transmits the infection PHOTO Getty Images

Dr. Tudor Ciuhodaru draws attention to the symptoms of this disease, which can easily be confused with a common cold. There are 10 warning signs that should send the patient to the doctor urgently.

In a post on his social media page, the specialist shows what those who have traveled to exotic countries should be aware of.

Malaria alert in Romania. There are already 11 cases and 2 deaths (a 47-year-old patient and a 54-year-old patient). Alarm. Do not neglect mosquito bites. They can become lethal.

1. Infectious disease caused by a parasite (Plasmodium), common in regions with tropical and subtropical climates (more than 100 countries and the number is growing).

2. Transmitted mainly by mosquito bite (female Anopheles – which is small and easily penetrates nets, especially between dusk and dawn) but also through blood (transfusions, transplantation, contaminated needles/syringes) and even from mother to fetus (congenital).

3. There are 10 warning signs (of the pseudo-influenza type) that require presentation to the emergency room: fever, chills, headache, asthenia, muscle pain, cough, breathing difficulties, abdominal pain, diarrhea, alteration of the general condition, cardiovascular problems occurring 7 days after the first possible exposure up to 3 months after last possible exposure (rarely later). In the case of severe forms, those of organ failure, anemia and jaundice, convulsions, coma and death can also occur (15-20% of illnesses).

4. Undiagnosed and untreated in time can be fatal.

5. A simple consultation upon returning from risk areas and a laboratory examination can ensure that you have not contracted malaria”says the doctor on his social media page.

The increasingly frequent cases of malaria scared the Romanians. What tourism experts say

Since November, patients with severe malaria arrive weekly at the “Dr.Victor Babeș” Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases. Some lose the battle with the disease. Recently, a 54-year-old woman who traveled to Zanzibar and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit with severe malaria died. And the most famous case is that of the ex-wife of the president of the Cluj County Council, Camelia Tișe, who died of malaria, two weeks after returning from vacation.

The media coverage of these cases led many to abandon their planned trips to Zanzibar, so there were a lot of ads posted on Facebook travel groups by Romanians trying to sell their vacation packages to this exotic place.

Is anyone interested in Bucharest-Dubai-Zanzibar plane tickets for 2 adults and a child departing on 02/09/2024 and returning on 02/18/2024? And accommodation at Tui blue bahari Zanzibar with all inclusive! Something happened and we can't leave!”, is the announcement of a tourist from the Forum Zanzibar group.

Paradise for little money

The number of Romanians visiting Zanzibar increased by 30% in 2023 compared to the previous year. Tourism specialists say that it is essential where tourists stay in these areas, where they eat and where they walk.

Zanzibar has two parts: the “authentic, local” area, where it would be better to avoid booking accommodation, and the more touristic area, open more to Europeans: the northern part and the east coast“, explains Ana Maria Călin, the manager of a travel agency.

Travel specialists insist that poorly rated guesthouses and hotels be avoided, and that locations in tourist areas be chosen, for greater safety.