A third of children in Romania consume sugar from the first year of life

Almost a third of children in Romania consume sugar from the first year of life, according to a recent research. In our country, one in 4 children has weight problems, and one in ten suffers from obesity. And the number of children with weight problems is increasing.

A third of children in Romania consume sugar before they are one year old – Photo Almond Cake Shop

A recent study shows that 30% of children consume sugary products from the first year of life, and 53% of them consume processed sweets and homemade sweets, according to a survey by Almond Cake Shop.

A thousand parents from various regions of the country were surveyed in this research which shows that many of the little ones are exposed to the consumption of sweet products from an early age, with potentially negative consequences for their long-term health. Our country ranks first in the EU in childhood obesity.

It is not recommended for adults to consume sugar daily either, and it should be introduced to children's diets after the age of two, according to the American Heart Association. Moreover, children under two should be offered small amounts of sweet foods, no more than three times a week.

Even natural fruit juices are not recommended for infants and children under one year of age, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Sugar-free cakes – a solution

Homemade or store-bought sugary treats could be replaced with sugar-free options to reduce the impact on little ones' weight.

“It is alarming to find that so many children are exposed to products with a high sugar content from the first year of life, almost 30% of them to be exact. At the same time, almost 40% consume products containing sugar from the age of two, 16% from the age of 3 and 17% do not consume such products. Excessive sugar consumption in these early stages of life can contribute to the development of health problems such as obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. That's why, to reduce the negative impact on the health of children and adults, we prepare cookies without added sugar, made from natural ingredients, without preservatives, suitable for any age, regardless of health status, which can be eaten both as a dessert and as a main meal, breakfast or dinner“, said Monica Pușcoiu, pastry chef at an artisan confectionery.

According to the research, when they are at home, in over 53% of cases, children receive both processed sweets and home-made sweets, in almost 23% of cases they do not receive sweets, and in 21% of cases they receive home-made sweets.

The age at which Romanian children eat sugar - Photo Almond Cake Shop

The age at which Romanian children eat sugar – Photo Almond Cake Shop

However, children also consume fruits and vegetables, almost half of the children, 46% to be exact, eat more than 7 portions of fruit per week, and a third consume 7 portions of vegetables per week, the study shows.

The World Health Organization recommends that we consume at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of health problems. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Doctors warn that little ones end up suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or other serious diseases due to the extra kilos. Nutritionists recommend being moderate, considering that “any food can be classified as healthy or unhealthy depending on the amount we consume“, according to Dr. Mihaela Posea.