Former PNL head Crin Antonescu explained to CNN's Antena 3 that he is not worried about the fate of PNL in the context of the alliance with PSD, as the two parties will go with common candidates in the European parliamentary elections. According to the former party leader, the results of the elections will give the verdict in the case of collaboration between the parties.
The former party leader is not worried about the fate of the political formation PHOTO Inquam Photos
“Regarding this formula, this variant, out of two, either the public will not support it, so they will not get votes. They will take 1%, 2%, the sovereignists will take 60%, the new rite bassists 40%, USR, Orban, and everyone will be satisfied. If it will be validated by the public, it means that it is a construction that has the credit of the electorate and it remains to be seen with which program, with which people and to what extent they will fulfill these expectations. I personally do not see a reason for three quarters of the country to be concerned about the fate of the PNL and to cry for the mercy of the PNL. For some I understand, for others I don't”explained Crin Antonescu, in an intervention on Antena 3 CNN.
The former party president also claimed that the liberal political formation “his prohod has been sung, for a very long time, without being necessary”PNL being a governing party, which had a prime minister, which also has “first-rate national and European representation”.
Regarding the similarity with the 2011 USL, the former PNL leader explained: “brotherhood never existed, it was a political construction then, it is a beginning, a form of political construction, now. The only partial similarity for now is that the two parties will present themselves with a common list, strictly for the elections for the European Parliament. The similarity consists in the fact that this association formula will be subject to public validation, by vote”.
Common candidates for the European Parliament
The PSD-PNL agreement for the package organization of local and European parliamentary elections was initialed after months of discussions, including with a joint list in the European Parliament, but not without tensions in both formations.
The votes from the leaderships of the two parties for the joint list were given with an overwhelming majority. Among those who opposed were the liberals Sighiartău, Bolojan, Ioan Turc and the mayor of Bistrita-Năsăud.
According to a survey presented by the leaders of the two political formations, 66% of respondents voted for a continuation of the government by the Coalition.