Electrical safety guide

The Department for Emergency Situations together with the three electricity distribution companies within the PPC group (Rețele Electrice Muntenia, Rețele Electrice Dobrogea and Rețele Electrice Banat) have launched the Safety Guide in the electrical field, available on the www.fiipregatit.ro platform, as and on the website of the distribution companies.

When it comes to home safety, expert advice includes:

  • Use only approved, undamaged electrical receivers and devices and do not leave them unattended under voltage;
  • Periodically and/or after an incident, check the technical condition of the electrical installation for use, with the help of an authorized electrician;
  • Use adequate protection on electrical circuits. They can save life if the installation's insulation is damaged or when live parts of the installation are inadvertently touched;
  • Remember that water and electricity are dangerous together; do not use unprotected electrical devices in wet environments or if your hands are wet or sweaty;
  • Do not overload the sockets; a short circuit and/or fire may occur;
  • Do not use extension cords or electrical cables near heat sources (stove, radiator, stove, etc.);
  • Check all the power cords of the electrical appliances you use; do not use them if they are damaged.

Outside the home, experts recommend:

  • Do not touch electrical panels, wires or power distribution boxes;
  • Do not touch poles or conductors (wires), including those that have fallen to the ground;
  • Do not climb poles supporting overhead power lines;
  • Does not steal components of electrical transmission or distribution installations;
  • Do not handle metal objects (scaffolding, ladders, pipes, metal bars, etc.) or use lifting equipment near overhead power lines;
  • Observe the safety and warning signs specific to the electrical field, when you encounter them;
  • Use the emergency number 112 in all cases where you have seen/identified a state of danger related to the operation of electrical installations or which may constitute a threat to passers-by.

These tips, as well as other useful recommendations, are available on the www.fiipregatit.ro platform and here – https://bit.ly/4caIF0t.