Mihai Bobonete defended Antonia: “She is not a fool who has no idea how to speak Romanian”

Mihai Bobonete was recently invited on the show “La Măruță”. Speaking about his prodcast in which Antonia agreed to appear, the actor defended her, saying that she is a wonderful and talented person, according to Libertatea.

Mihai Bobonete defends Antonia, archive PHOTO

Although she has a lot of fans and is one of the most beloved singers in Romania, Antonia has often been criticized for not speaking Romanian correctly and making disagreements. This is the reason why, for some time, she refused to appear as a guest in TV shows or prodcasts.

The actor from “Las Fierbinți” reminded everyone that the artist left the country at the age of 5 and lived in the United States for a long time. This is why sometimes they don't express themselves very well, “she's not a fool who doesn't know how to speak Romanian”,
said the actor, in his signature style. “To know! I was actually talking to Antonia. She is a very dear person to me, because Alex and I are brothers from Craiova, so no… you are at Târgu Jiu. (…) I was saying that Antonia is a very nice person like that, but the fact that she lived and grew up there (United States – nn), if she sometimes has a disagreement or something, it's not because she's a fool who has no idea how to speak Romanian. Indeed, she grew up and was born speaking English” – said Mihai Bobonete, during Măruţă's show.

Many times, Alex Velea's girlfriend refused to appear on TV or on podcasts, because she was afraid that people would judge her for her grammatical mistakes. Thus, most of the time, Antonia refuses to speak in front of the camera.

“I have a lot to say and I wish I could express myself more often. It is obvious that English is the easiest for me. I get stuck in Romanian. That's why I don't want to go on TV, on podcasts… I feel like I won't express myself properly. I get anxious, I get shy. This reaction comes from trauma, from everything I've been told so far: “You're stupid, you don't know how to speak”. I often say to myself: whoever wants to understand me will do it. Those who just want to hate will still do it.” confesses Antonia on her Instagram account.