The actor Mihai Răducu died. Actress Bianca Brad, about the tragic news: “We spoke very rarely and saw each other even less often, but we had a special bond”

The actor Mihai Răducu died. He played for several years on the stage of the “Toma Caragiu” Theater in Ploiești.

Mihai Răducu died on Wednesday, August 21. Photo Facebook/National Union of Romanian Artists

“It is with regret that we announce the passing of the beloved theater and film actor, Mihai Răducu.

Those who want to pay their respects can come on Friday, August 23, between 15:00 and 20:00 at the chapel of the Ghencea Civil Cemetery, B-dul Ghencea no. 18, where the coffin with the lifeless body of the actor will be deposited.

The funeral will take place on Saturday from 1:00 pm at the same cemetery.

God rest him!“, it is stated in the post made on Facebook by the National Union of Artists from Romania.

Mihai Răducu attended the courses of the National University of Theater and Cinematography “IL Caragiale” in the Capital. He was a graduate student with Bianca Brad and Mihai Călugărița.

Actress Bianca Brad declared “shocked” by the news of the death of the actor Mihai Răducu. Although they didn’t meet often, the actress stated in the post that she and the actor had “a special connection”.