The tragedy that marked the life of the actor Doru Ana: “Everyone was singing «Happy birthday!», we were doing parastase” VIDEO

The actor Doru Ana, who was born in Bucharest on February 28, 1954, revealed what was the great suffering of his life.

Invited to the show “Voi cu Voicu”, actor Doru Ana, where he related lesser-known aspects, which marked his destiny. The artist lost his only child, a daughter named Măriuca, when the little girl was only seven years old, following a car accident.

The actor hardly recovered from this emotional shock and confessed that in the years that followed he felt overwhelmed by grief, as the memory of his daughter, who died at a young age, was an open wound in his soul.

The actor Doru Ana died at the age of 68

I experienced a tragedy in this life – a child died, a little girl. At 7 1/2, she was run over by a car on the Grant Bridge on January 1st. I think you realize what the first few years after her death meant. Everyone “Happy birthday – Happy birthday”, we were pretending that our child was lost. That happened in '95. I don't shy away from talking about her. I'm trying to keep a connection with this kid who only lived a little bit of his life.”the actor confessed.

The artist who died on the night of October 10 to 11, 2022, in Bucharest, played in 40 films and 80 theater performances.

He graduated in 1980 from the “Ion Luca Caragiale” Theater and Cinematographic Art Institute in Bucharest, in the class of professors Olga Tudorache and Florin Zamfirescu, according to the CineMagia website.

He played on the stages of the Bulandra Theatre, the Comedy Theatre, the Bucharest National Theatre, the Ion Creangă Theatre, as well as on the stages of some theaters in Braşov, Sibiu, Ploiesti.

How he wanted to become an artist and what attracted him to this world, Doru Ana told in an interview, given in 2011 to the journalist Loreta Popa, in Jurnalul Național.

“I thank God that he took a boy from Ouatu's Pit, Grant Bridge, and helped him meet and shake hands with Radu Beligan and other personalities. I have dreamed of this since I was 4 years old. You can imagine how those who I told at the age of 7 or 8 that I was becoming an artist looked at me. And later they told me that I was crazy for wanting this, that there are big people at the theater, I had no relatives or anyone else to support me“, said Doru Ana.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Doru Ana was director of the Department of Actor's Art within UNATC in the period 2011-2015, according to

“As a pedagogue he had especially inherited a special care for the stage speech from his great teacher Olga Tudorache. Doru Ana himself was remarkable from this point of view in each of his appearances“, according to the mentioned social media page.

In the theater he performed over 50 roles, in plays such as “Răceala” by Marin Sorescu, “Cum vă like” by W. Shakespeare, “Three Sisters” by Chekhov, “A lost letter” by ILCaragiale, “The gardener's dog” by Lope de Vega, “Thomas a Becket” by Jean Anouilh, “The Living Corpse” by Tolstoy, “De Pretore Vincenzo” by Eduardo de Filipo, “The Giants of the Mountains” by Luigi Pirandello, “The Third Spike” by Marin Sorescu, “Turandot” by Carlo Gozzi, “Bloody lovers” by Chikamatsu Monzaemon, “Two young men from Verona” by W.Shakespeare, “Father” by A. Strinberg, “A stormy night” by ILCaragiale, etc.

He also starred in dozens of films. The first film in which he was cast was “Egmont” (1977).

He performed other notable roles in the productions “Terminus paradis” (1998), “Marfa si banii” (2001), “Shadows” (2019)

He also starred in films such as: “Dangerous Turn” (1983), “Freshman Spring” (1985), “The Great Challenge” (1990), “Status” (1996), “Transfer of Personality” (1996), ” The West” (2002), “The Death of Mr. Lăzărescu” (2005), “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days” (2007), “Francesca” (2009), “The Other Irina” (2009), “After the Hills” (2012), “Live” (2015), “Ultima zi” (2016), “Fructul oprit” (2018), “Adela” (TV series, 2021), “Căutătorul de Vânt” (2022) etc.

He received two nominations at the Gopo Awards in the Best Supporting Actor category for his roles in ''The Other Irina'' (2010) and ''Adalbert's Dream'' (2013).