In the second edition of the show Asia Express-Drumul Zeilor, two contestants arrived directly at the police station. Irina Fodor announced that the race was stopped and that the teams had to find a place to stay.
Two contestants arrived at the police station PHOTO: Antena 1
The contestants were tasked with dressing in white to attract good karma. Then, Irina Fodor announced a new mission. “I have to hand out your maps, envelopes, here’s your two dollars a day, your production phones, and everything you need for this race. You will need to get 99 eggs without using that plate. You have to count the eggs and leave with them, exactly 99 in number. They will be counted at the destination. Then you will make the offering in the temple and that way you will be able to receive the following clues and leave”said Irina Fodor, according to Antena1.
The contestants set about taking the eggs and set off towards the temple indicated in the red envelope.
The first team that managed to do this mission was the one formed by Adrian Nartea and Cosmin Vîjeu.
A completely and utterly unexpected situation was when the stations started calling.
“First station! I panicked,” said Anca Turcașiu.
Irina Fodor announced that the race was stopped and that the teams had to find a place to stay.
Two competitors were stopped by the police. It is about Carmen Negoiță and Andreea Perețeanu, who told their story and arrived at the police station.
There, the team was helped to find a place to stay, in the second edition of the show Asia Express-Drumul Zeilor, edition of September 2, 2024.
More than 15 competitors decided to embark on a journey full of challenges. It is about Anca Țurcașiu and her friend, the actress Andreea Samson, Mihai Găinușa and Oana Paraschiv, his radio colleague, Nicolai Tand and Sorin Brotnei, the godfather and son-in-law, Betty Salam and her husband, Cătălin Vișanescu, the comedians Ioana State and Mane Voicu, entrepreneur Carmen Negoiță and her sister, Andreea, Victor Slav and his girlfriend, Selina, Adi Nartea and actor Cosmin Vîjeu, Andrei Ursu and his lover, Vlad Condurache.