Alcohol addiction, the turning point. Psychiatrist: “From euphoria to depression is a small step”

Alcohol consumption is a real problem nationwide, and doctors say addiction can set in at any time and at any age. At the same time, healing is a difficult process, which involves a lot of effort.

Alcohol addiction SOURCE The Truth Archive

Thus, psychiatrists emphasize that from occasional use to addiction is a very small step.

When alcohol becomes dangerous

According to doctors, alcohol consumption tends to become a habit among the population. Thus, even if initially the effects are pleasant, exaggerations can lead to real discomfort.

Alcohol changes the state, the disposition. In small quantities, alcohol is a social binder, it is euphoric, it disinhibits you, you can laugh and talk. But if the amounts become larger, the depressive effect appears. You become drowsy, incoherent, steps become heavier, balance disorders appear. The amount is very important, but also the setting in which alcohol consumption takes place”stated Dr. Ovidiu Alexinschi, psychiatrist, coordinator of the NoAddict programs.

How do we know a dependency has been installed?

Doctors claim that there are certain signs that we must take into account when we want to identify an addiction.

At the same time, Dr. Ovidiu Alexinschi also mentions that people must be aware that substances do not have the ability to make us better and that we can achieve the opposite of the desired effect.

The moment a person becomes more withdrawn, stops communicating or is at the opposite pole, becomes more aggressive, more agitated, it means that certain changes are taking place. It is very important to know the risks and to be aware of the fact that having fun is not equivalent to getting drunk, taking drugs or consuming all kinds of substances that change your state, but not in a good way. These substances do not make you better, smarter and more pleasant in the circle of friends. Only reactions contrary to what is desired can occur“, added Dr. Ovidiu Alexinschi.

Alcohol addiction, difficult to treat

Medical staff also claim that alcohol addiction is a real problem, which has multiple effects in the life of the affected person.

“Alcohol addiction leads to real problems, from health to social problems. An addicted person will stop communicating, be more withdrawn, agitated and aggressive. Thus, she is no longer socially integrated. Alcohol addiction is an important one, because many people do not accept and do not admit that they are dealing with this problem. It can certainly be treated, but it takes a lot of effort and desire“, concluded the doctor from Iași.