National Assessment Simulation: 8th grade students take the Mathematics test on Tuesday

VIIIth grade students will take the Mathematics exam on Tuesday, February 6, as part of the National Assessment simulation, according to the calendar approved by the Ministry of Education.

The results will be announced on February 23. photo: shutterstock (Archive)

Students from the national minorities will participate, on Wednesday, in the Mother Language and Literature test, writes Agerpres.

The works of 8th grade students will be evaluated digitally, the Ministry of Education informed.

The results will be announced on February 23.

Tests start at 9:00 a.m., when the topics will be distributed in each room. Students' access to the classrooms is allowed until 8.30 am. The time allotted for the development of a written paper is two hours.

The subjects are distributed in the form of a booklet that is printed on both sides. Students may request additional pages if appropriate.

The purpose of the simulation is to acquaint students with the rigors of a real exam, but also to optimize the results obtained by students from pre-university education at the end of secondary school studies.

The communication of the results will be anonymized, using the individual codes that replace the names and surnames of the candidates.

The results obtained during the simulation are analyzed at the level of each educational unit through individual discussions with the students, debates at the class level, meetings with the parents, as well as at the level of the teaching council, in order to adopt measures to improve school performance in view of the exams this summer .

The grades for the simulation are not contested and are not included in the catalog. However, in exceptional situations where it is desired to record the notes in the catalog, this can be done based on a written request submitted by those interested.

According to the Ministry of Education, approximately 24,000 assistant teachers, almost 6,000 evaluator teachers in Romanian Language and the same number in Mathematics, almost 500 in the mother tongue will be involved in the simulation tests. The organizing commissions at the level of each of the more than 3,700 exam centers are added.