On the occasion of International Day “One Health”which is marked annually on November 3, InfoCons launched the Global Consumer Protection Application, a useful tool for making informed choices.
With a barcode scan, you can find out many details about a food. PHOTO Shutterstock
“InfoCons launches Global Consumer Protection Application from a unique health and environmental perspective, One Health consumer passport application. The InfoCons Global App is a useful and free tool that can be used in 33 languages and can be downloaded from the stores: App Store, Google Play and App Gallery”announced on Monday, InfoCons – the European Organization for Consumer Protection and the Promotion of Programs and Strategies, a full member of the World Consumers International Organization.
The Global InfoCons App is a useful tool for making informed choices and provides One Health consumers with information such as scanning food product barcodes to find out ingredients, number and type of food additives, allergens, amount of sugar, salt, calories, the possibility to customize the application for those with certain health problems and special dietary needs by setting the amount of salt, sugar, allergens, the number and types of additives, as well as real-time alerts for food and non-food products at the level of the European Union, shows the organization.
InfoCons also launched the project “InfoCons European One Health = One Consumer’s Protection!”
The principle of One Health is health, both the health of people and the health of animals and the environment, elements that are linked to each other, the quoted source says:
“But the indissoluble connection between the different fields of activity must have the man in the foreground. The man who must live in a healthy environment, with healthy animals, in a healthy setting, having healthy food, and thus the principles of consumer protection are returned today after Kennedy’s speech in 1962, to much more real and current valences: «.Consumerism by definition includes us all. Consumers are the largest group from an economic point of view, influencing and being affected by the vast majority of public or private economic decisions. However, they are the one important group whose views are not heard very often». He enunciated four fundamental consumer rights: the right to security, the right to information, the right to choose and the right to be heard”
The InfoCons association. PHOTO Facebook InfoCons
In new phrase “One Consumer’s Protection”, the consumer is human and the human is a consumer, but a consumer seen with care for resources, for health, for the environment and integrating the different fields and areas of debate and discussion, but especially of research, to be able to prevent and, above all, to could create the new global principle One Health from the holistic vision, one life-giving earth: the Universe.
“The consumer no longer knows where to go if they want to file a complaint”
The concept of One Health is not simply about infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans. It is about understanding that all “health” – physical, emotional, social, financial, mental – is linked to our natural environment and built over time, whether those environments are clean, sparsely populated, areas “wild” or congested urban communities.
“One Health is about uniting health and surveillance systems, from animals to humans, all for the protection of consumers and the environment we live in. At the moment, there are so many consumer protection organizations that the consumer doesn’t know where to go if they want to file a complaint.” shows InfoCons.