Every year, summer nights give us a unique celestial spectacle known as the Perseids. This meteor shower, visible in August, brings a shower of shooting stars to the sky that delights viewers and astronomy enthusiasts.
The meteor shower can be watched on August 11, 12 and 13 – PHOTO Valentin Grigore
The Perseids, part of the astronomical ephemeris, are among the best known meteors. The maximum of the Perseid meteor shower occurs on the nights of August 11th, 12th and 13th. This phenomenon is one of the most well-known and anticipated of the year, being popular especially because many people are on vacation and can stay out late. During this period, the Perseids can produce between 50 and 80 meteors per hour, with the possibility that on certain nights the activity will be even more intense, according to the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory.
“It is known that in August you can see meteors called Perseids. They are the most often observed because then it is the vacation period when many people stay out until late at night. There is also a period in December when more meteors are seen than usual. There are also such moments in other months.”informs the “Admiral Vasile Urseanu” Astronomical Observatory.
“To be observed on the night of August 11/12 and 12/13. The moon will not disturb the observations much.”, according to the cited source.
Meteors, popularly called falling stars, are cosmic fragments that enter the Earth’s atmosphere at astonishing speeds, igniting and creating spectacular streaks of light. This phenomenon is visible all year round, but the most intense activities are related to specific meteor currents, such as the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.
The origin of meteorites is linked to comets, whose remnants of ice and dust form meteoroid streams that can produce true star showers. On nights when Earth crosses these currents, the sky becomes the scene of a natural spectacle, visible to the naked eye without the need for specialized equipment.
To observe the Perseids or other meteor streams, it is recommended to find a dark place away from city lights, adjust your eyes to the darkness and be patient. With a little luck, you can see dozens of shooting stars in one night.
“Besides the quality of being spectacular, shooting stars have another plus: they can be seen (only) with the naked eye! You don’t need astronomical instruments to observe them. You still need a little patience, thick clothing and a clear sky. On the evenings when the meteor showers peak, go outside at the time indicated, sit comfortably on a deck chair or blanket, and wait, looking up at the sky. Wait 15 minutes for the eye to adjust to the darkness and… it won’t even be 5-10 minutes and you will see the shooting stars, depending on the intensity of the maximum! This way you are exactly where you need to be to observe the shooting stars. The darker the place from where you observe, i.e. you have no lights around, the more meteors you will see. If the Moon is not on the ground either, you can observe meteors under ideal conditions“, astronomers say.