Video Asia Express September 4, 2024. Tense moment between two teams, at the buffalo plowing test

The adventure continued on the Road of the Gods, in the fourth edition of the “Asia Express” show. The buffalo plowing contest brought tension between two teams after the judges’ decision left one contestant feeling wronged.

The tense moment between two teams in the fourth Antena 1 photo edition (Archive)

The competition between Carmen Negoiță, Andreea and Anca Țurcașiu and Andreea Samson was second and it seemed that both teams arrived back exactly at the same time. A juror had to intervene to decide the tie, but the result upset the losers.

“We had to shoot with all the desperation. What I screamed, I don’t know what I did”, said Carmen and her sister, Andreea.

“It was also very difficult to pull and push because you had to give direction from both directions. The one who threw the ball risked hitting himself over the legs with it”, explained Samsonica.

While the actress claimed that they arrived at the same time, the team that received the envelope with the next mission was the one formed by Carmen Negoiță and her sister.

“At the end, a gentleman was waiting for us with the envelope. The person who judged this race was right, of course. Because you’re there to shoot the buffalo, not look at X and Y”said the victors and set off for the next mission.

“Well, he was next to them, of course he told them. We arrived at the same time”added Andreea Samson, very disappointed with the result.